Tuesday, May 16, 2006

What Happened to the Dinosaurs?

I like to ask Joelle what she did in school in the evenings after a school day. Sometimes I already get, "nothing," but sometimes I'm rewarded with a fun story... Joelle reported that her teacher, Ms. Jennifer asked, "What happened to all the dinosaurs?" These are some of the answers she told me her friends gave: Evan: They're in jail. Max: They're in the sun. Vivi: They're playing in the sandbox. Alexander: They're on the farm. Ms Jennifer: Are they on Jupiter? (I swear, she really reported to me that she said, "Jupiter.") Joelle: They're on vacation at the beach. (Although she said that Blaine said it first, and then Erin said it first and then Joelle said it first. So, I'm a little fuzzy on exactly who said this.)


Blogger Petie said...

I'm not sure if the teacher told them or not (I'm sure she did), but Chris also explained to Joelle what happened to them.

5/17/2006 11:40:00 AM


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