Thursday, May 04, 2006

Coughing in the Dust

For those who have a program to notify of new posts (you know who you are :) ), please forgive me. For someone who programs for a part-time living (admittedly in an archaic format that is going away soon), I am suddenly technically inept. The web marches on and have been left in the dust. Here's hoping I catch up soon!


Blogger bobvis said...

Here is your feed:

Here is your feedburner feed:

If you look at my blog, I have links to my feed on the right nav bar and after every one of my posts. (I want people to be well fed.) To add those links, I had to open up my blogger template. and figure out where in the code to stick the link. It wasn't too hard.

5/07/2006 07:45:00 PM


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