What it Feels Like for a Girl
Today, Jojo asked me, "What does it feel like to be a girl?" I responded, "I dunno. You're a girl. What does it feel like?" She said, "kinda dancey." Girls, take that to heart. There's the good and the bad to being a girl, but it's always, "kinda dancey." For those of you who are Madonna savvy, the question comes from yet another song of hers. Yes, I skip the songs that aren't something I want her to hear, because she is listening very carefully to the lyrics now. Like, she asked me today why, in a song, they said, "...tell the sun not to shine." I found it strangely hard to explain that the song writer was explaining that love is true because she says, "tell me love isn't true, tell me the sun doesn't shine..." On another unrelated singing note, we were serenaded tonight to... "Jeremiah was a book club." Tia Ria and Uncle Joey will have to bring down music when they visit to introduce her to more. She loves it.
Oh, we'll certainly introduce Jojo to chucu-chucu... beware!
5/25/2006 09:59:00 PM
I thought he was a bull frog. That was our song when she was a little girl.
5/26/2006 11:06:00 AM
What ever happened to "Mike and the Bike" dring! dring! ??
5/26/2006 05:07:00 PM
You don't know how many times I've meant to make you guys a mix CD and include that on there! Sigh, I wish I had more time. Never enough time. See, she likes ANYTHING. (except U2 - being the U2 fan that I am, I've tried countless times and countless CDs. She always says, "nah," within 1 minute of one of their songs. Go figure. I even specifically remember thinking that she should like U2 when she was born because I listened to that Beautiful Day CD all the time while she was in the womb. Some moms listen to classical, I listened to U2. :) )
5/26/2006 05:17:00 PM
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